5 Items or Less from Les
A few links and likes about the things I am Reading, Watching, Listening to, and Thinking About
This type of List will become something I do every few weeks or so. In it I will share with you some of the things I am reading, watching and listening.
I hope it benefits you.
The best way to utilize this Email and others like it may be to just browse the list, see if something interests you and then read that portion.
IF you find something that interests you then I want to CHALLENGE you to go and Consume it. Download the movie, load the podcast to your phone, buy the book and read it, etc.
Don’t just read this list.
And, just as important, please Do Not read this article as as a list of things you should be reading or watching.
BUT DO let it help you focus your MIND and your PASSION intentionally on things that will help you do what you want to do and be who you want to be.
My Consumption of Information
I consume a lot of information most weeks.
Almost none of it is sports, religion, or entertainment news.
I find sports boring
I find religion almost as boring and much more dangerous when not consumed appropriately
I find the lives of actors, singers, entertainers, etc. boring and embarrassing
When I consume Political News I typically do so through a business or financial viewpoint because for me the perspective that numbers give is much more honest and correct than the dung each political side seems to shoveling out in such huge portions.
No judgment on anyone who likes what I do not like. Just a WARNING that the list will not contain most of those things mentioned above—unless as a jumping off point to make The Deeper Point!
I consume a lot of…
History because it helps me understand the world and I have always struggled with superficial answers to problems—history seems to help me anchor in and find at least some better answers.
Health information because it is something I can act upon which benefits me and that means it benefits my family, friends and my community.
Spiritual information because it helps me understand myself, others, the world and God—and, bonus is that I can act upon much of it (at least within my own soul)
Financial information because I can act upon it, which then benefits my family and my community
Until I wrote that portion above I never knew why I Consumed what I consume:
I want help understanding the world and living the best I can while I am here.
I have learned to consume Information Intentionally and Strategically. I may talk more about that some other time, as well as share a bit on “How” to do that.
I hope you enjoy the list:
5 Items or Less, from Les
“Take full advantage of every day as you spend your life for his purposes”
(Ephesians 5:16 TPT)
What I Am Watching
History: World War 2 Documentary
Netflix has a newly released documentary called World War II: From the Frontlines. It is a fascinating look at the war with new footage from the Japanese and German armies. The film has been well digitized which really brings shows the humanity of the people involved.
A few new things I learned is that…
With the news highlighting Israel right now (and for good reason) I was super interested in the murder of Jews during WWII. I have read several great books by people who survived the camps but seeing it on video, again, made me think that Germany really should send their entire army to protect Israel. What they did as a Nation, in a “intellectual” and programmatic manner is sickening and heart breaking.
The Germans liked the British a lot and would have rather had them surrender then fight. Hitler was ready to give them a “good” deal if they surrendered.
On the other hand, the Germans hated Russians and saw them as subhuman. When Germany invade Russia it was with a “Kill all civilians” order unlike when they invaded France, etc.
Russia wisely had about one million women drafted into the services. You can hear one of them who loved heavy artillery in a short interview.
Russian hated The Polish and instead of helping out a Polish city that had resisted Germany for a long time they camped outside of the city, as a decision was made to let the Poles and Germans kill one another. Finally The Polish resistance gave up and the Germans entered the city, killing over 100,000 men, women and children.
What I Am Reading
Spiritual Discipline: The BIBLE
I am reading through the New Testament in the month of January (2024) so that is consuming a good part of my reading/listening. My GO-TO Bible online and the App is the YouVersion Bible. It is amazing and so helpful with its ease of use, the Reading Plans of all kinds and the many translations it offers.
I highly recommend The APP and of course, daily reading the word like it is the most important information you can get your hands on.
Practical Spirituality: A Book on Meditation
Practicing the Presence of God has been on my “Goals” List for several years now. I have been a pretty big failure on that part! I have kept working on it, reading books, listening to ministers, etc. but I just could not find anything to help me grasp the concept.
I am really bad at Meditation BUT I cannot keep from hearing God say: “Listen more. Talk less. Experience Me.”
So I have kept pursuing, year in and out. And it has been producing something within me.
At the end of this year I had a lot more “Success” at focusing my attention on Him.
In this journey, right before the holidays, I started to read a small book called “The Miracle of Mindfulness” by Thich Nhat Hanh. Fair warning: It is NOT a Christian book.
BUT I have found so much joy in reading it because of how much more powerful anchoring ourselves in God’s Spirit is compared to anchoring it in our own breath. I am reading it very slowly, taking notes that highlight God’s truth that is in it.
I am not recommending it for a new Christian or someone who struggles with this type of book BUT again, I would recommend it for someone like me who would rather study God’s Word than sit with God (you know what I mean!).
And, for someone like me who finds it easier to interact with God through the intellect than through the emotions.
What I Am Listening To…
Practical: A MUST Listen to IF You Have Children:
Over the past few months I have kept hearing about an author who is a teaching professor at a university. His name is Jonathan Haidt and I believe he is an athiestic, yet practicing American Jew.
I recently listened to him on The Russell Moore Show (Podcast) and you can watch it HERE.
Of course, I do not agree with everything here but WOW! I liked what I heard but was also impressed with the host and will most likely start to listen to The Russell Moore Show more often.
Spiritual: If You Want to Be Known for LOVE
I love just about anything by Bill Johnson from Bethel Church in Redding, CA. I listen regularly to him and Kris V. whenever they speak and it comes up on my iTunes Podcast App. You can listen to Bill’s most recent one HERE
I hope that helps you direct some of your Valuable yet limited ATTENTION and PASSION towards some things that are helpful to you as you navigate your path this year.
BTW, I was rereading this “Prophetic Word” article and thought: Words like this are ALWAYS fresh! So, here you again…
Wow, so many ideas! I love it all❤️
I love this!